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Updated: Feb 15, 2022

Kiki & Co. Family Farmhouse was established in 1992. It's unfortunate that we are not born with wisdom, but where is the fun in that.

I met this girl when I was 15. I married her at 22. Today, we celebrate 30 years of marriage. Still, I am not sure how I lucked out with such a special, beautiful, smart angel, but God had mercy on this young kid long, long ago. For this and so much more, I made Dawn Kiki my wife.

Looking back at the past 20 years, what would I do different? Well, to you young lovers, I offer my gray-haired “Top 5 Musts in Love.”

1. Love her more. She deserves to be loved with a full heart. ❤️

2. Listen more . . . talk less. Own your words.

3. Forgive. Don’t let your need to be right keep you from seeing the love of your life.

4. Kiss her more . . . an more.

5. Did I say love her more?

These are gifts that last a lifetime for both us and our children. Yes, one of the greatest gifts that you can give to you children is opening loving each other—even kissing. ❤️

Dawn and I have been on many adventures. She was with me for all seven years in the Coast Guard; she traveled with me into Africa, Peru, and through Europe. Together, we hit almost every state in America. We are traveled.

We have owned three homes around Spokane. We have two children that have made it 14 years under our tutelage and love. We keep three businesses afloat that bless more than just our family. Yet, we feel like we are just getting started in our adventure.

Dawn, I am grateful for your hand and heart. Together, we will fulfill God’s purpose on this here rock.

Thank you for endure all the years of me and my outfits and my need to be on a stage with a mic in my hand. Forgive my photo op this morning. I had to. 🤠

Beautiful isn’t even close to describing you both inside and out as God made you perfectly to his plan. Thank you for every moment. I will focus on my Top 5 List as we move into our next 30 years.

LANCO, thanks for writing and singing about our love and years. 😇

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy 30th Anniversary! ❤



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